Buffy Gets a Spa Treatment

I noticed Buffy was looking a little bedraggled lately.  
It's been pretty muddy, and it looked like her behind was rather soiled.  

My niece was visiting, and she was game to assist in my very first chicken bath.

We set up three tubs:  one soapy, two rinse waters.  

It reminded us both of Girl Scout Camp where we also had to have three tubs for dishwashing:  one soapy, one for rinsing, and one with a mild bleach solution for sanitizing.

Buffy was a bit hesitant at first, but she settled down nicely 
into the warm water after a few seconds.

Second rinse

Mission accomplished!

She was surprisingly docile after her spa treatment.

This photo should be on the cover of Chicken Fancy magazine!

We brought her inside for more toweling-off and more cuddles....

It looks like Buffy could really get used to being a House Chicken, given the chance!

She joined her sisters in the coop when her feathers were almost dry.  
I'm sure the other chickens were jealous of her special treatment!