Tuesday’s Adventure

I had a busy weekend New Jersey--it was nice to get away, but I'm back on duty now.


Then, Tuesday being my day off, I finally had a chance to visit 
Calvert Cliffs State Park on my way to orchestra rehearsal.  
I pass it on my way every Tuesday afternoon, but never had time to stop until now.

The shell hash on the beach is composed of 10 to 20 million-year-old fossils 
eroding from the cliffs.  It's a prime collecting spot for fossil sharks' teeth!

The cliffs are actively eroding, so there's not very much safe beach-combing area 
available to explore...


The long walk to the beach is lovely, taking you through beech and oak forest, 
and along swampy areas, which house a beaver colony!


My luck was out--no sharks' teeth today!